photograph of randy clark on stage preaching

2020 Year In Review

It’s that time again! Time to look back at what God has done over the previous twelve months. When I look back over 2020, I see the Lord at work bringing healing to so many. Perhaps it’d be good for you to take a moment and remember some way that the Lord has brought healing into your life this year.

As you know, we’ve basically been on lockdown since March, but as you also know, we can’t keep still for too long! God made me to be an idea factory, so even back in March I kept my team busy with new ideas.

Here’s a few highlights for me:

  • Global Encounter. Do you remember our first online conference? In some ways we were flying by the seat of our pants on this one, finding ways to get video recordings packaged together for a free online event. Nowadays, an online conference isn’t unusual, but at the start of 2020 we were at the forefront of what was then a cutting-edge thing! Click to watch the Global Encounter session replays →
  • Miracle Mondays. Global Encounter was such a success that I didn’t want to stop. We heard from so many folks who were healed, who received impartation, and who learned so much, so I thought we could use this new online format to do regular healing meetings. Miracle Mondays was originally just going to be a one-month-long project, but, again we saw such fruit from it that we’ve yet to stop! Click to watch Miracle Monday replays →
  • Conversation with Sean & Christa Smith. What a privilege it was to bring a word of hope, power, reconciliation, and healing in the midst of intense racial turmoil. I’m grateful to Sean and Christa for their perspectives, which were both helpful and inspiring. Click to re-watch the live broadcast here →
  • New Ways to Give. I’ve been amazed at the generosity of our Partners and donors during this year. I realize most of you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes here, so it takes a measure of faith to entrust your financial gifts to us. We worked with a non-profit organization, Free Will, to develop new ways for our mission to be funded. These include the ability to create a will for free and to add Global Awakening to your will, the ability to make a donation from an IRA, and the ability to transfer appreciated stock to us. These are avenues of giving which our donors have asked us for for years now, so it is exciting to finally have them in place.
  • Voice of the Apostles happened! I’m so proud of my team here. It took a lot of work, contract wrangling, and information gathering to pull off an in-person event. We maintained all CDC guidelines and were able to finally gather again face to face, albeit with masks. What a joy it was to see my friends on stage again and to see many of you as well! Testimonies are still coming in of healings, prophetic encouragements, and impartations which took place and are continuing to bear fruit. I’m looking forward to our upcoming events as well →

There’s so much more I could say about what’s kept me excited this year. The overarching word in my heart has been to remember how good God is, how he is the Redeemer and can redeem anything, including a pandemic. I firmly believe God is already turning this into an avenue for revival and I think we’ll be hearing of outpourings happening around the world in the months ahead.

Year End Giving

Many are beginning to think about taxes, year-end giving, et cetera. We do take year-end donations, and as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, any donations you make to us are tax deductible. As you probably know, we are able to do what God’s called us to do because of the generosity of donors. As you seek the Lord about how he’d have you steward your finances, please take a moment to ask if he’d have you give to what he’s doing through Global Awakening.

I pray that you and those you love encounter the love of our savior this Christmas season. May “the grace of King Jesus the Lord, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (1Corinthians 13:13)

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