In Aracatuba, a man came to me who had stomach pain from anxiety. I prayed for God’s peace to wash over him, “Mais pas…. Espirito Santo pas….” After praying I asked if he felt better. He nodded his head. I asked with hand signals – little bit, or much? He indicated the pain was completely gone! We embraced and I blessed him as he left. Next, another man came to me. To my surprise, he indicated the same issues – anxiety causing stomach problems. I was surprised by the coincidence, but prayed in a similar way for him with the same results – he reported complete healing of the pain and the smile on his face told me he was not suffering from anxiety any longer. As with the other man, I embraced and blessed him. The next man came to me pointing to his heart, and then to his stomach. He seemed to be indicating a heart issue and pain in his stomach area. I was again surprised at the similarity to the previous two cases, though the men didn’t seem connected to each other in any discernable way. I found that this time I had plenty of faith to pray for this man’s healing! Again, after prayer for God’s peace and healing power, he indicated complete freedom from his symptoms. An interesting detail is that in the days prior to this, team members, as we have encouraged and blessed each other, have spoken to me that they see me as a man of peace, with a gentle power that brings a calming effect. So I believe clearly that God directed these men to me because their need matched what God has placed on me. A wonderful encouragement to me of how God is able to lead and direct in specific ways. – James, Pastor