A young woman came up to receive prayer for release from an intense battle with anxiety and depression. She did not indicate whether it was medically diagnosed, but I commanded the spirit of fear, anxiety and depression to leave and she immediately felt peace.
The next night, at the impartation service, I asked the Lord to highlight the people He wanted me to give an impartation to. I did not know this woman was in the audience again, but as I worked my way to the center of the sanctuary, she was the first person the Lord drew me to. All she had was a slight smile on her face, but I felt the Holy Spirit whisper mais allegria and I obeyed and put my hands on her shoulder and the side of her head and said “Mais Allegria, Senyor. Mais Allegria.” She immediately fell backwards rapidly and erupted in beautiful supernatural laughter.
The following night, she came up to me to thank me for all the prayers. I asked her how she was doing, and she said great, except she had a small headache. I told her the Lord cares about little things too and that healing a headache was a piece of cake for Jesus. I then asked her if I could pray for her headache. She agreed and I put my hand on her head and said, “In the name of Jesus, I command all pain to go now in Jesus’ name. All muscle tension go now in Jesus’ name.” She opened her eyes, covered her mouth and looked at me in sheer amazement of what Jesus had done.
Lauren, Writer & Speaker