Anxiety is Replaced with Peace when Young Girl Forgives

A young woman came up for prayer. She asked for healing from anxiety. She would get it so badly that she would get rashes and near panic attacks. It would also keep her from working and studying. I asked her how long she had been experiencing anxiety and if anything traumatic or difficult happened around the time it started. She said maybe 2 years. It happened around the same time her parents split up or got divorced. I asked if she would forgive them. She said yes. I walked her through forgiveness and asked God to come heal and comfort her in the emotional pain of all of that. She began weeping. After a couple of minutes of weeping as we continued praying. I then began to pray for Holy Spirit to fill her with Himself and with peace. She calmed down and began to smile in her tears. She said she already felt so much peace. She hugged me, and cried, and we thanked Jesus together.

Karisa, Music Teacher

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