Anxiety Leaves and the Pain goes with it

Michael came forward for prayer after the service. He said I had given a word of knowledge for his condition, pain below his left shoulder blade. He said he had pain at that moment. During the interview he explained that he had this same pain one year ago along with other physical problems. These came about when he was out of work. He said these things were healed last year, but the pain in his back began again one week ago. I asked about his current work situation and he said he has been having some problems lately. I thought that perhaps his anxiety was the root of the problem. I began to pray with him. I commanded anxiety to leave and invited the Holy Spirit to fill him with peace. I stopped and asked him how he was feeling. He said that he felt fire on his back and that the pain was gone. I prayed once more to bless him in his work.

Craig M, Missionary

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