Bent Arm Made Straight

A lady with beautiful light eyes and a pink shirt came up for prayer. I was with another team member and we decided to pray together for this lady. She asked for prayer, for peace in her heart, also for healing in her right arm. She couldn’t straighten it out, so it was bent. We prayed for peace to come. I don’t remember what we prayed exactly but one team member felt led to hug the lady while we prayed. While I held her hand and the translator placed her hand on the lady to pray.  Over the course of a few minutes, the lady began to cry, and a few minutes later, while I was holding her hand, her arm began to straighten. She cried some more. When we were done praying, she said her arm pain was completely gone and she felt peace. Woohoo! Thank you Father God. – Lala, Instructional Aide for Special Education

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