Blind in One Eye Man Sees

I was totally blown away when a young man who was blind in one eye sought me out to pray for his healing. He had just had a transplant in his left eye and was in pain. He could not see out of his right eye. He said it was very blurry. I prayed and immediately there was no more pain in his left eye. Zero pain! I then prayed again and no change in his right eye. He said he wanted me to pray one more time. I did and he was excited. He told me he could see my face!

I also gave a word of knowledge to a young man through an interpreter. I felt the Lord show me he was a musician. He said he was. He seemed very encouraged. I prayed a Psalmist anointing over his life, the anointing of David.

I also felt the Lord showed me one of the Interpreters had an anointing to write. I prophesied this over him. He was also very excited and said he was a writer. I was then able to pray for him that many books would be released through his life as well as poetry. And then I sensed he also had a musical ability, which he said he was just beginning. I was able to pray for a psalmist anointing over him as well. He helped me prophesy over a young lady who I felt had a dancing anointing. She said she wasn’t a dancer, so I prayed she would begin. I also ministered about Papa’s heart being moved as she dances and sings.

Tonight I prayed over many who had physical manifestations. Shaking, crying, falling, swaying. I specifically prayed over one man who couldn’t hear in his left ear. We had no interpreter so I prayed and he use his fingers to show me how much he was hearing. He said he regained some hearing by showing me a sign for a little.

I prayed for another young man without an Interpreter who pointed to his knee. I prayed twice and he started bending his knee. He gave me thumbs up and said, “better”. I joined another team member praying over a gentleman with panic attacks. We had an Interpreter and prayed for peace. He communicated with us that he felt better. I joined the same team member in praying over a gentleman with seizures. Again we had an Interpreter and prayed for complete healing. I don’t have a way of following up with him to see how he’s doing. – Brent 

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