A young woman came for prayer. She said that she had a cancer in her breast, and she also had a cancer in her blood. She had a strong pain her back. When I asked if there was something she was not able to do, she said that she was not able to bend down.
She said that she had had the pain for a long time, and the cancer had been diagnosed some time earlier. I started to declare that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I declared that her body is a piece of Heaven on Earth. I declared that there is no pain or sickness in Heaven. I declared that as her body is piece of Heaven on Earth, there couldn’t be any pain or sickness in her body. I commanded all the pain to leave her body in Jesus’ name. I declared her body to align back to what it was before she was diagnosed with cancer. I simply released complete healing on her body. After I had finished praying, all the pain left her body immediately. I asked her to do something that she had not been able to do earlier. She was able to bend down without any problems. She felt very relieved. I asked if there was anything that she could do to check her body. She started twisting her back. There was no more pain in her back. There were no more lumps on her breast. She promised to go to a doctor and get her blood verified. Other than the cancer in her blood, she said that she was completely healed. She felt so much peace and her whole appearance changed from despair to peace and joy. – Tero