Deep Wounds Healed in Young Woman

We went to a Guyanese church on Sunday night. Carter Woods had us all give a word of knowledge from the platform and he also did an altar call. As people came forward I noticed a woman about 20 years old come forward and even a after the salvation prayer was prayed I really felt like the Spirit of God wanted to do more. As the service moved on there were other flows and impartations to others and I forgot about it.

Then at the end of the night I noticed the young woman again and something quickened me to go get a translator and just ask what was going on in her life after she gave her heart to the Lord. As the interpreter helped me, she volunteered she had been just involved in an abusive relationship. The interpreter was astonished. The young woman volunteered she just found out she was pregnant. We prayed healing of her heart from the abuse and prayed the Father’s love over her and the baby. We just let the Holy Spirit minister to her. As we parted, we noticed her countenance had changed. What the Holy Spirit did inside her we didn’t know but we know she and her baby received a touch from God. God healed her broken heart and bound up the wounds.

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