While performing street ministry. I felt led to go into mall. We headed toward the escalator; it was not until we were on the 2nd floor that we looked below at the Christmas tree display and Tonya saw the picket fence (word of knowledge in our treasure hunt), very specific in the display. I then noticed the couple approaching us, a woman in yellow shirt (another word of knowledge). Ken asked how we could pray for her/them. She reported to us, she felt anxiety/worry for their son who had Schizophrenia and a spirit of anger/rage, which we felt was related to the word of knowledge for suicide we had received. Ken prayed over her, rebuking spirits of anxiety, but also praying protection over her son. She felt peace wash over her. As Ken was praying, I realized her husband had a black mask with white images on it, another word of knowledge we had received; he had back pain. He was in fact, awaiting approval for back surgery. He stated he was in constant pain, 8-9/10 for many years in duration, no specific injury related. I assessed his ability to bend forward into flexion which was very restricted and very painful. I prayed over him, laying hands on his back. We welcomed the Holy Spirit and asked the Spirit to fill him, commanding all pain to be eliminated in Jesus’ name, for the vertebrae to be realigned in Jesus’ name, for tension to be released in the back muscles, for an increase in blood flow and for irritation on any nerves to be gone, in Jesus’ name. He felt immediate pain relief, none whatsoever. We asked him to bend forward again, and he was able to flex forward WITHOUT restriction, nearly touching the floor and with no pain present at all. We all thanked Jesus together!
After praying over the wife though, and before the husband, a security guard stopped our translator, telling us it was not allowed, but the guard allowed us to pray over one more, the husband, praise God! Had we not prayed; this miracle would not have happened! The couple then went into the store we were standing outside of. As we were standing there, I heard the Lord tell us to go in the store to tell the husband he would not need surgery. He told Sam, our translator, and me they had come into town that day for the man to receive release papers to be approved for surgery, but really, he came for this divine appointment to receive prayer and be released of the need for surgery. PRAISE, Jesus!!