This is an ongoing story of faith being taken to a new level and a healing that is about to take place. On March 6, several members of the team had prayed for a little girl, 3 ½ years old, who was born with no eyes (only two other children are currently known to be born this way). She also was diagnosed with !a congenital disorder and club feet.
The story continued as the days went on. I spoke with Dr. Clark the next day about Aviyah and when I mentioned about the chromosome, he said it was a chromosome issue and to pray into that. When I told Winnie later in the day, she was excited about the confirmation of praying into the chromosome issue. She and her friends have been praying to the DNA level but not the chromosome level. On Saturday Winnie came to me. She was excited and wanted me to meet Aviyah’s babysitter. Aviyah’s babysitter told me that during the night she had dreamed she went to get Aviyah out of bed and saw her eyes were half open. In the dream she called for Winnie to come and as she watched Aviyah’s eyes they opened all the way. She had beautiful eyes and long curling eyelashes. I believe the dream was a confirmation of what I had told Winnie when I prayed for Aviyah Thursday night. Praise God! In His perfect timing, Aviyah is getting new eyes!