Family of Three Healed Emotionally

At Gravidade Zero a couple in their sixties came with a tall thin young man about 30 who said, “This is my mother. Would you pray for her?” As we began to pray, she gently went to her knees. 

Chris received a word for her, “All is forgiven.” On hearing this she popped up to her feet. (It seemed as if she had Catholic roots by her upright posture in prayer. Hearing my husband say, “All is forgiven“ may have been received like absolution from a priest which is perhaps the reason she stood up abruptly.) I told her through the translator that we would like to pray for her more, that the Lord was not quite through. She smiled and nodded in agreement. We began to pray and her countenance softened. She went to her knees again. At this point I asked her son to kneel down face to face in front of his mother. He did so and they held hands. I asked the son to tell his mother he was sorry for all the hurt he had caused her in the past and that he knew now that she prayed for him and cried over him in at night for years. Her prayers were the reason he was the man of God he was today. The young man sobbed as he poured out his heart to his mother. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. The father drew in closer to hear the exchange between mother and son. I directed them to hug and embrace. As they did, more tears flowed from both of them. The son told his mother he had dedicated his life to seeking God. She said she was proud of him. As they embraced they both exchanged tender words in Portuguese. I felt the Lord tell me to tell her “she is a good mother”. She broke down and said she felt he son’s problems and the path he took in life were her fault because she had to work and was not there enough for him. There was the word from my husband “All is forgiven”.

So a family of three was healed that night. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit the real need for healing was revealed. They dried their eyes as they returned to their feet. We exchanged hugs and the mother proudly announced that her son was studying to be a pastor. He just beamed. Gloria Deus!!

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