Grandmother Receives her Hearing and Healing for Back and Legs

I thought I had a word of knowledge for “deafness” which I didn’t want to give but I did anyway. No one came forward with a hearing problem and literally every person in my line came forward for depression and panic/anxiety. I was really blown away because there wasn’t time to do an inner healing with everyone. So I went through the line kicking out the demons and asking the Holy Spirit to fill them up, which He did! It was amazing!

Then I asked why she had crutches and she told us that she had constant back and leg pain. I sat beside her and went for the back first. Speaking to the pain three times and commanding it gone – Jesus healed her back. She was full of smiles and immediately told us that the pain in her back was gone but that her legs were still very sore. We then went for the leg pain, twice, and the second time I touched her right leg and my translator her left. We finished praying and the grandmother said, “Thank you!” and she got to her feet and walked away smiling and praising Jesus! I don’t know if she was excited because she could walk or if she really had to go, but she knew Jesus healed her and she was walking and hearing normally.


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