Healing After Deliverance

Justin Allen spoke and taught on word of knowledge for healing. Afterward the team was called forward to minister healing. The pastor of the church asked for prayer. I was a little nervous and surprised he had come to me. I asked him what he needed prayer for and he replied pain in his upper back (right side). I asked if it was attached to carrying the burden and pain of the people in his heart, he said no. As soon as he said no, I felt (I’m a feeler) witchcraft. So I began to bind, take authority and break off all witchcraft sent against him. I did not speak the deliverance out loud, only quietly to myself. I then commanded all pain, affliction and stress to leave him. When asked to test it, he was completely healed and smiled with no more pain. I blessed him for his ministry to the people.

Kevin L, Manager

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