I prayed for a man in his 30’s who had acid reflux. The Lord showed me he suffered from anxiety, and his wife and daughter confirmed that he did. We asked Jesus when it started and the Lord showed him in the 4th grade when he was being bullied. He took on anxiety and worthlessness and carried it all these years. He was able to forgive the bully and came out of agreement with the lies he had been partnering with. Jesus spoke His truth over this man, his true identity. I prayed for the acid reflux to be healed, and he fell out in the Spirit and later told me he was healed. Glory to God!
After the service we went to the pastor’s home for a luncheon with some elders, their children, and the 4 on our team. As I shared the testimony of the man with acid reflux, the pastor (female) started weeping and saying, “that is me.” The table went quiet and grew kind of awkward, but I knew Jesus was touching her. So I went over to her and quietly said, “Let’s ask the Lord when this started for you.” They were missionaries in Zimbabwe 18 years ago when she was two months pregnant with her daughter. She was struggling with fear and anxiety which opened the door to these for the next 18 years. Jesus showed her she hadn’t been alone and that He had been with her. She was able to take authority over the fear and anxiety and kick it out. Jesus filled her with His peace. I was prompted to ask her if she thought she was a good mom. (Her daughter had also been struggling with anxiety and she was feeling like it was her fault.) There was a lot of crying this whole time and she couldn’t say she was a good mom. So I said, “Let’s ask Jesus.” Immediately he tells her she was an excellent mom. His truth was so powerful she was overcome with emotion. Her husband said “I have been telling you this for a long time.” It wasn’t until Jesus exposed the lies and healed her that she was ready to believe the truth.
Chandra D, Retired