When we face big decisions, it can be paralyzing. No one wants to make the wrong decision, but we also don’t want to wait too long to make the call. When you’re looking at the big things: moving your family to a new place, stepping into a new calling, dropping everything to pursue something new… it’s important to make these decisions with God.
In this video, I share five things that have kept me focused in times of moving from one fruitful assignment to the next.
- Prophecy. For every major decision in my life, there has been prophetic clarity. To know it’s not just your own good idea is valuable. Wait on God for confirmation.
“Big decisions need big directions.” – John Wimber
- Blessing. Look for the unplanned things that seem to “just happen” but you know is the Holy Spirit blessing you. When you see the way God has been moving in your past, it can indicate the way for you to move forward.
- Faith. Have faith that whatever you don’t know, God will help you to learn.
- Prayer. Pray that God will bring you what you need. For example, if you don’t lead worship, pray that God will send you the people who do.
- Vision. Be able to talk about your vision, or what it will look like. When people come to join you—all you have is vision. You need to be able to communicate the vision clearly to keep you and the people God sends you on track.
P.S. We’ve built a conference around connecting attendees with the Holy Spirit. As you seek His guidance and courage, pray about attending Greater Things this summer. I believe it will be a key time for all involved, and I’m bringing in speakers and worship leaders that God has put on my heart for this season. Learn more and register now with Early Bird discounts.