Let It Go

When Rodney released the team to pray for the sick, a woman on the back started screaming. As a mother of four, I recognized that this was a cry for help. Sheila, a 30-year-old woman, asked her if she wanted freedom and she said yes, but was reluctant to have prayer. I told her that it was her decision, and we went to a quiet space. I asked what was going on in her life. Her mother died four years ago and her husband divorced her two years ago. I then sensed that she needed to forgive her mom, God, and husband. I asked if her mom died from cancer (I had a word of knowledge), she said yes. Then I asked if she died in the hospital. She said yes. She was surprised that I knew this but I told her I didn’t, but Jesus knows everything about her and loves her. She then said that she doesn’t believe in Jesus nor love. I then told her that the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy but the Lord comes to give life and life abundantly. She said that she was afraid of God because of all of the things she’s done. I told her that nothing, not even demons, can separate you from the love of God. I kept asking her to look at me and she told my interpreter she couldn’t because I was too “shiny.” What about a hug instead. I was determined to love her. I then asked if she knows the song “let it go” from Frozen. She and her friend laughed and told me her nickname is “Frozen.” I told her Jesus knows that too and is chasing after you because he loves you no matter what you do. I asked if she wanted to invite Jesus back into her life. She said, “yes” and we prayed the salvation prayer. Her countenance completely changed and she said a weight lifted off of her. I then asked her if I could stand in as her mom and “let go” of all the things she wanted to tell her mom, but couldn’t because she left too early. I told her I could take it and that no matter what she said, I would still love her. She released all of those unanswered questions. I apologized to her and asked if she could forgive her mom, which she did. She then was able to forgive God for taking her mom and repented for believing that lie. I asked if she had forgiven her husband. She said it wasn’t necessary as there were no bad feelings toward him. She then told several spirits to go in Jesus name (abandonment, rejection, depression, anger, rage.) She then thanked God for her freedom and invited the Holy Spirit to fill her. She was happy and smiling. Next, she’ll need a new nickname because she’s no longer “Frozen.”

Doreen M, Homemaker

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