I received a word of knowledge: “A man in his 20s or 30s is about to either shoot up heroin or is fighting the urge to do so. If you will be bold enough to come forward, God will set you free.” One man came forward. Through my interpreter (Marcelo) we found out that this man has struggled with heroin addiction for many years, and he said he was ready to turn it over to the Lord and be done with this. We first prayed for forgiveness for his shame of being a heroin addict. Then he asked the Lord’s forgiveness for not trusting Him. I shared with him that I was also an addict at one time in my life, and God had set me free. I prayed the Lord would take the same freedom he gave me and give it to this man so that he could be free once and for all. Then we took authority over the heroin addiction in this man’s life and commanded it to leave and never come back. After praying this prayer, the man’s whole facial expression completely changed, and he became so emotional and started crying and thanking the Lord for his new freedom. The final prayer was to seal all that has been done by the Holy Spirit so he would walk away with confidence, knowing he was free. I saw this man the next day at the meeting. He was all full of smiles and bubbly and gave me a great big hug and said thanks to the Lord. – Howard, Retired Pastor