In Londrina we volunteered to go to the hospital to pray for a woman with thrombosis. We arrived in the emergency room and prayed for the woman. Her leg was swollen and purple. We prayed and commanded the clot to dissolve. Then she was called to go see the doctor so we had to stop praying.
The room was filled with sick people so our translator asked if anyone needed prayer. A lady with intense pain in her liver (rated a 10) asked for prayer. We commanded the pain to leave. Nothing happened. A team member hugged and prayed for her. Two team members took authority under their breath for doubt and ancestral spirits to be removed. Suddenly the woman began to sweat profusely as the fire of God came upon her. We asked how she was feeling and she declared, “ALL the pain is gone!” Her pain went from a10 to a 0. We all glorified God and rejoiced. This opened the door for others to request prayer and we prayed for them. All glory to God! We were so glad we volunteered. Although we were exhausted from praying for others in the morning session, God gave us all energy and excitement as we saw Him touch the lives of hurting people.