Mozambique – Feeding the Children

amazing! My favorite part of the trip so far, though, has just been spending time with the village children and the Iris kids. I have gone to the village feeding a couple of times. We fed several hundred kids who live near the Iris base. There, I realized just how far a simple hug can go. When I arrived at the feeding outreach, about 20 kids just came rushing up, and all they wanted was to be hugged and loved. It was absolutely precious. I began to realize the power of pure, simplistic love. It’s not hard or complicated. It’s very simple and easy. I have learned that love is not a formula, but a relationship with others. Miracles happen when there is love.

Lives are changed by the power of love. Scripture says that God is love. So, when love is our motivation, when we are filled with the compassion of the Lord, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. When we have love, we have God, because they are one in the same. God does not leave us when we feel emotions other than love. But if we want to see God move in incredible ways, we simply need to ask for the Father’s heart of unconditional love for His children. That is what will produce miracles and transform lives. Being continuously surrounded by the kids here has greatly expanded my revelation of this love. Will Hart said that we should come to Mozambique prepared to be broken, and I have been broken. God has broken my heart for all of the people here. Mozambique has stolen my heart. When I first arrived in Pemba, I had a bit of a hard time adjusting to everything. I had never used a hole in the ground as a toilet. I had never set up a tent all by myself. I had never felt such extreme heat and humidity. I came on this trip hoping to make connections and eventually stay here long-term. But at first it was very difficult to get used to everything. At church on Sunday though, when the Iris missionaries and children were laying hands on our team, I had such a peace and a love for the people in the church. I had an overwhelming sense of being at home. God reassured me that he would sustain me through the difficult times. As I was sitting there, an older woman laid her head in my lap, and I prayed for her and loved on her for the next little while. It was a precious time, and I know that I have arrived at the place where I belong.

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