Multiple Diagnoses Healed!

An old man in his 80’s came to me. His daughter said he was 90% deaf in both ears, had chest pain (enlarged heart, high blood pressure), back pain, and enlarged prostate. I prayed for his heart and he felt something. 

I prayed again and he was healed. While I was praying I saw an image of him walking around with a smile giving his testimony in his neighborhood. While I was praying, God said to clap my hands, stomp my feet, and snap my fingers at various times. So I did.

I prayed for his ears next and they both opened. They opened almost immediately. I prayed for his back and it was almost instantly healed. I prayed his prostate (with my hand on his shoulder) and I felt something release in the Spirit. Then he shyly asked for healing of constipation. I prayed and got the impression of movement. After that he thanked and told everyone in the church his testimony. Just like how God had showed me in the internal image.

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