Nepal/India 2011: 2008 Automobile accident

man who I took to be her son as Randy was just beginning to talk about praying for impartation. She was clearly desperate for prayer. She couldn’t lift her feet to walk properly. Large numbers of people pressed forward in response to the impartation prayer. As the meeting was finishing and people were leaving, I noticed her still in front of the platform, supported by the young man. I asked if she wanted prayer. She told me she had no uterus and no bladder, that she had a bladder bag and wanted God to heal her bladder. She had been in a terrible automobile accident in 2008. Her hip was broken in three places and both legs had had multiple breaks.

She had been in bed in the hospital for three months, unable to get up, and had not been able to walk unassisted since then. I prayed for her bladder first, since that is what she had said she wanted prayer for. As there was no immediate way to know if that was healed, I began to pray for her hips and legs. At first she couldn’t feel any change. When asked her to do something she couldn’t do before, she carefully began to lift one foot off the ground and put it down. She lifted the other foot off the ground and put it down. A look of amazement came across her face. She continued to lift one foot, then the other, gaining confidence each time. I suggested she try to walk, which she did very carefully, being steadied by the young man. She began to walk by herself with growing excitement. Another young man appeared and joined our cheering squad. I wondered if he was another son. They (we) were all very excited and gave thanks to God!! Five or ten minutes later as I was leaving the building I saw her walking down the steps unaided with one young man ahead of her on the steps and the other just behind her.

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