Nepal/India 2011: Prayer of Protection and Vision

Than the very last night when we were in Vellore at the crusade a mother came with her 3 daughters. I had seen her and prayed for her at one of the village churches. She spoke English and told me her husband was an alcoholic and sometimes abused her. She had two of her daughters with her that day and I prayed for her and her family, for safety and protection for her and the girls etc. But that last night she sought me out and she had her oldest daughter with her who had been in school on the other day. This daughter may have been 6 or 7 years old. She wore glasses and wanted prayer for her eyes. I put my hands over her eyes and prayed for the optical nerves to come into order in the name of Jesus and to bring clear vision to this beautiful little girl. After a little while I asked the mother to have her daughter take off her glasses to see if she could see any better. She looked to the front and read the poster and was also able to see way to the back. Both the mom and the daughter were happy and the little girl did not know exactly how to respond. I just praise God with them and thanked Him for the healing. They went away and were talking to some friends and I was praying for someone else when the mother came back shaking the glasses in her hands saying something like, “She doesn’t want to wear these things anymore.” Praise God.

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