Nepal/India 2011: Village Church Impartation

We were in a village church where the minister had gathered his leaders. Each team member spoke; we prayed for impartation – the Holy Spirit fell on several of the leaders powerfully. When we opened the meeting for healing, a lady who was blind in both eyes came for prayer. She was new to the church. When I prayed the first time, she said nothing happened. Then I prayed the second time, she said it was a little better. Each time I prayed, she reported that she was seeing more. She said she could see forms. My husband had joined me, and asked the Indian leaders if anyone had particularly asked for the gift of healing during the impartation. One brave lady acknowledged that she had, so we asked her to come up and pray. Then she asked if anyone had been touched by the Lord in the impartation, or if they’d felt warmth in their hands or other manifestation. Several women said they had so Garrett invited them up to pray also. We prayed for them as they prayed for complete healing of eyes. She reported that she
could see; that her eyes were completely healed.

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