Four Winds Leadership Event

The Four Winds are referenced throughout the Old and New Testament to denote points at which the divine touches the natural world. (Daniel 7:2-3)
They are spoken of as God’s power made manifest on the earth; where miracles can occur and where the strength of God is made visible. (Ezekiel 37:9)
They are also found carrying people to their destiny. (Matthew 24:31)
We are seeking to bring together the Body through our ANGA churches and ministries to meet on topics that train good leaders and seek to encounter God. “To strengthen the Body of Believers and make connections, to build up and take spiritual authority over regions of the earth.”
  • Friday & Saturday Evening: revival/healing services open to the public.
  • Saturday Leadership training.
  • Optional Sunday morning service.

Example Training Topics:

  • Handling Conflict
  • Organizational Management
  • Raising up Leaders
  • Team Development
Dr. Tom Jones at Greater Things

Tom Jones


How can I be part of a gathering?

A church or ministry that partners with at least four other churches or ministries within your region can request to HOST the weekend gathering. Priority will be given to members of ANGA. To request a Four Winds Leadership Event in your corner of the world, click the button below.

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