During the prayer time we were moving in the crowd and praying for people. I came to a guy and started to pray for him. At first I didn’t see any physical manifestation after praying for about a minute. Something just told me to just keep pressing in. After another minute passed the person started to bend over and eventually ended up on the floor. I just laid my hand on him and said, “More Lord”.
Later on that day I saw him and he told me that he was a new convert (approximately 6 months saved) and has never experienced anything like this. He stated that while on the floor he felt a cleansing. After about 10 minutes of being on the floor he became overwhelmed with a sense of joy and happiness. It was hard to stand after being “slain in the Spirit”. He needed someone to help him walk around for about an hour after the prayer time. He stated that it was a life-changing experience.