Ministry Practicum Launch: Lambda Class

It’s that time of the year…and we couldn’t be more excited! This month Global School has launched our eleventh class into Practicum! The time of year our Second Year students get to take all that has been imparted to them as well as their individual blend of gifts and anointing’s as Awakening Teams across the Globe.

This year we launched Lambda Class. A deeply passionate bunch composed of a unique combination of fire and compassion. Affectionately called “Lambda lovers of Jesus” by Katie Luse, Global School’s On-site Administrator and overseer of Second Year students. The Lambda brought with them an incredible value for prayer and a willingness to experiment in worship. A practice that has given Global School worship an original sound and experience. While we will miss them in class we are eager to see what God does in them and through them.

This year the Awakening Teams will be traveling on twenty-six trips overall visiting at least thirty-three ministries across the US and abroad. They will influence virtually every region of the US with stops in eighteen states including tours in North Carolina, Texas, California as well as across the Midwest & Rocky Mountains. They will also be partnering with ministries in seven different countries two in Asia, two in Africa and one each in Europe, Central America, and South America. Each team is made up of up to seven Second Year students who carry with them the DNA of Global Awakening. Empowered with teaching and messages sure to awaken the communities they visit.

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