Pain in the Foot Reduces and Back Pain Disappears Totally

I next prayed with Flavio. He stood a head taller than me.  He came with two conditions.  The first was a lower back pain.  The second was a pain on the top of his left foot. I prayed and then asked about his conditions. On a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the original level of pain and 0 being no pain, he said the back pain was 0 after prayer. The foot pain was still at a 6. We prayed again. The foot pain was now at a 5.  As I prayed for him the third time, I asked for the Spirit to come on him with a new anointing.  He became overwhelmed in the Spirit and we were able to direct him to sit down in a chair that was close. As he rested in Jesus, I asked him what level was his pain now in his foot.  He reported a 4.  I told him I felt that this healing was going to continue through the night and that in the morning he would find it either greatly reduced or gone altogether.  Later after the team had dinner at the church, I saw Flavio in the hall as I was headed for the bus.  He smiled at me and indicated his pain was now at 3.

Brian M, Pastor

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