I was with a teammate and an interpreter when a lady in her fifties came for prayer. She said she had pain in her right breast. We asked her how long she had the pain, she said 12 years. We asked if she had seen a doctor. She said she had not.
Before we began to pray I looked at her as the interpreter interpreted. As we prayed for total healing, we said if the Lord brings to mind anyone she needed to forgive that she should pray as we were praying. There was no response as we prayed, but I noticed her expression intensified, more furrows in her brow. More tense. Then suddenly her expression changed. She looked relaxed, then peaceful. I saw an expression on her face that was so joyful. After many, many tears, she was radiant. We asked her what her pain level was. She said it was gone. We asked what the Lord had revealed or shared with her. She said the Lord reminded her of a former co-worker that she had had a big problem with and that she needed to forgive the person. She did this during prayer time. We asked her how long ago this was. She said 12 years. Glory to God!! She was so excited. She was radiant and beautiful. She was free of pain and worry and she was forgiven. 12 years of right breast pain, 12 year-old grudge both gone. – Patricia
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