September Brazil 2019

On September 12, 2019, an international Global Awakening team of 112 members gathered in Sao Paulo, Brazil to release the healing ministry of Jesus to churches in Bauru, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, and Marilia. For more than half of the team, this was their first Global Trip experience.  “You will see healings and miracles!” Charity Cook declared during our opening teaching session. Over the next ten days, these bold words were dramatically fulfilled. Our team witnessed over 2313 physical and sovereign healings as well as 482 emotional and inner healings, 186 salvations and 19 rededications. Jesus-sized miracles also took place as hearing aids were no longer needed, vision was restored, tumors shrunk or fell off, and the lame walked without canes or braces! There were also 47 metal miracles where people were delivered from the pain from surgically implanted materials and received restoration of movement. Some of those who were healed gave video testimony which was later used to encourage others to believe.

Our mornings were filled with on-site teaching and faith-building from Global staff.  “Healing is not a formula,” Brian Starley commented. “But we are sharing with you what we have found that works.” At night Global team members were given the opportunity to operate in words of knowledge and to work with translators to minister the five-step prayer model. We also had ample opportunities to listen, love and give plenty of hugs. “This is the most fun a Christian can have,” one seasoned team member shared. Sprinkled throughout were times of impartation where team participants were released into greater anointing.  Powerful manifestations occurred as the Holy Spirit worked uniquely with each individual. Free time afforded team members the opportunity to share testimony, build relationships, rest, eat delicious Brazilian food and do street ministry. It must be mentioned that the warmth and generous hospitality of the Brazilian churches was both honoring and humbling.  They made us feel deeply appreciated. As they watched us “nobodies” minister, their faith grew to believe that they could operate in their own healing ministry.

Here are a few of my favorite moments:

The first night arriving at Four Square Church:  Church members lined the entrance and applauded as we entered the church.  It was the first time I ever felt like a rock star! What a faith boost for someone who had not had their first healing yet!

My first healing: I prayed for a woman’s knee.  Her pain level was 9 out of 10.  After several prayers, she felt warmth and the pain level dropped to a one.  Praise Jesus!

Getting a word of knowledge during intercessory prayer:  During group intercession, God gave me a vision of newborn baby. I had the impression that the baby was struggling to survive. One team member told me to declare what I was seeing.  Another confirmed that she had a similar vision.  The team agreed that it should be given as a word of knowledge during the service, so I did.  I prayed over three baby pictures that night and heard that someone else had prayed for one more.  The next day the woman who had also seen the vision got to pray for a fifth baby who was brought to the church by a distraught mother. Both received words of life.  Believing to hear great testimonies!

Blasted:  I had several people fall down when I prayed for them, including one at the local mall.  Many of them felt the peace of God. So cool!  Never had this happened before. Also I asked a young Brazilian translator to pray for me.  He looked unsure and said, “I don’t know what to pray for.” “More anointing, more fire,” I replied.  He nodded and began to pray.  I went down. When I got up, I thanked him for the prayer.   He said, “Thank you for believing in me!”  In a separate instance, a team member got blasted in front of the hotel elevators.  He was just laying there.  His wife came up, stepped over him and pushed the elevator button.  “I’ll be in the room,” she said matter-of-factly and disappeared in the elevator.  Obviously this had happened before.

I came on this trip, after many difficult years of unanswered healing prayer, desperate to know whether or not God would use me in this way.  For the first time, I saw Him working – through me.  I left knowing His answer was YES!

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