Stiff Neck Word of Knowledge Leads to Restored Mobility

On December 15, 2019 in Fortaleza Brazil, during the Sunday morning service Randy was preaching, I was praying asking the Lord for a word of knowledge as the team would be giving words of knowledge at the end of the service. Shortly after I felt stiffness in my neck. I could look straight ahead and turn my head to the left but was unable to turn my head to the right.

When it came time for me to give my word of knowledge when the team was at the front, I said “stiff neck and problems turning your head.” At the end of the service the first person who came to me for prayer was a lady who had the exact same condition as my word of knowledge. She was unable to turn her head fully to the right.

I invited the Holy Spirit to come in His healing power in the name of Jesus. I commanded the stiffness in her neck to leave. Shortly after a few short prayers she was completely healed and had full mobility in her neck. Praise Jesus!

Brendyn, City Planner

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