We prayed for another woman who had a damaged spine and related nerve damage in her arms and problems with her hands. She also had cancer in her hips and a lot of pain there. We prayed for God’s power to fall and his healing touch to come over her body. We prayed for damage in the neck, arms and hands and for restoration of functionality. She felt warm all over her body, and we kept praying for her. The warmth increased, and we spoke death over the cancer and released the light of heaven to hit the cancer and damaged cells and shrink it. We took authority over the pain, and she felt warmth in
her body even the day after the prayer when I met her. She could still feel the Holy Spirit on her body. She also wanted us to pray for a gift of healing as she wanted God to use her in this area. We prayed God’s anointing on her and for the gift of healing and the gift of faith. We asked the Lord to bring in the harvest through demonstrations of healing through her life. We had a strong sense that she will influence people and see them come to faith through laying on of hands and healing.