On the second last night of the conference Randy called the whole Global team up on stage to give words of knowledge for healing. Even before Taiwan, God gave me this vision of a lady with a large lump under the right jaw bone. I also heard the word Goiter in relation to this. I heard about it once before but didn’t know what it was. I found out later that is to do with swelling of the thyroid gland due to an iodine deficiency. At the time though, I didn’t even know how to spell it! When I went up on stage to give a word this came back to me strongly and even though I highly doubted there would be many people if any with this condition, I figured God wanted me to share it. After giving the word there was one lady who came up to testify that she had been healed of a thyroid condition which meant that she could now move her arms, or something like that, I still thought that it wasn’t specific enough to my word of knowledge. After the meeting someone introduced me to a kid who was 15 or 16 years old from a missionary family living in Taiwan. He was all excited as he told me that before the meeting tonight he prayed for an older woman with a large lump under her right jaw bone (he motioned to me how big it was and it was EXACTLY as I envisioned) who had Goiter! Praise God! Nothing really happened after he prayed then and we didn’t see her again after the meeting but I’m thinking we can be pretty confident she was healed that night 🙂