Blaine spoke at our Cultivate Revival event, delivering a powerful message we’re calling “The Power of One: The Secret to Revival.”
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It’s time to get out of the boat, time to go to the other side, time to let go of what’s holding you back. Choose your analogy, but the point is, God has fresh power, fresh peace and fresh motivation for you today. The Good News is, it’s not all up to you and your own willpower. Believers already know too much. (You can probably speak more sermons than people who need Jesus even think about!) The Spirit is compelling us all outside the walls of the church and out of our comfort zones. The Lord is raising up a people who are willing to take risks, even when they feel unprepared, so that His power can shine. Jesus is out there among the hurting, and He’s calling us to go with Him.
Blaine has said, “I can honestly say from my own background I always consider myself one of the most unlikely people to be doing so many of the things I get to be a part of.” We all know the names of great men and women of God in the bible who were most unlikely but we don’t equate a lot of greatness to ourselves. But guess what? We are those kinds of people.
If we take this idea found in Ephesians 2:10 about how we are God’s workmanship, we find out that the Greek word there is “poiema”, or masterpiece. A lot of us don’t see ourselves as this kind of artwork when we think about a masterpiece, but this is exactly how God sees us. God is constantly changing us, and shaping us, and forming us into His masterpiece. This process never really ends. There’s a transformation that takes place behind the scenes in our lives that we sometimes don’t even see. But then later we realize, Oh, that was a God thing that happened through me. I knew something was going on, but I didn’t realize God was turning me into a masterpiece at that point in time.
It takes getting out of the boat and stepping out on the water with Jesus to realize who you really are.
You’ve heard this said before, but we’ll say it again: God is looking for people who will say “yes”; He’s not looking for people who are all that “great”. Don’t think you have to do some fancy, extraordinary act. You know what’s really glorious to the unsaved? When you stop to ask how they’re doing and what’s going on in their life right now. Because we’re His workmanship and we’re in Christ Jesus. We know the heart of God. It’s those moments when compassion rises up inside of us. All of a sudden, we’re standing in the place of Jesus in those people’s lives. It doesn’t have to be a big deal; it’s just stuff you do in your everyday life.
God chose you.
In Joel 2:28 God says He will pour out His Spirit on all people. So, the way we see it, we as Christians need to start seeing that Holy Spirit is being poured on to us…all the time. We need to see ourselves as the friend of Jesus. His beloved. The co-laborer of Christ. He likes working with us, and He’s making us all kinds of opportunity. It’s learning how to live in Him, that we learn how to live.
If there’s a secret to revival, it’s this: one person, in the power of God, can change everything. We just have to be willing to take a risk in faith. So the question is: What’s holding you back? Fear of rejection? Fear of failure? Remember this: Jesus has said, “We are going to the other side.” He said it, He will perform it. It’s the Holy Spirit who fills and empowers us to advance His Kingdom. We are not alone, but we do have to partner with God.
We believe Blaine’s message in today’s podcast episode is a key one for us today, and is something that we all need to be reminded of. It’s a message, not of condemnation, but of encouragement. You can do this, and God will help.
Take a listen, as we believe you’ll get fresh inspiration for just how much of a difference one person can make. (Hint: You are that person!) You may get convicted along the way; don’t fight it. Lean into what God is saying to you and look for what He’s calling you to do this week.
May God bless, inspire and motivate you as you listen.
ACTION POINT: Who wants to go to the other side? Make your commitment now to go to the other side. Let the Spirit of God come on you and just say to God, “I will commit the rest of my life to going to the other side.
I don’t want to just stand around in a church anymore. Yes, I want to serve the church. I love the church. I bless the church. But I want this church to burst open. I want there to be new converts who are running to get a seat so they can hear the Word of God and see their lives changed.”