This is my first time really stepping out of the boat. At first I was apprehensive, and the Lord was gracious. He put in front of me someone with a sore throat. We pressed in and he was healed. It took three times of praying but he was 100% healed.
Someone pointed me to another man with his hand up. When I got there he said it was for his wife. She had asthma. We didn’t have a Interpreter at first but she was telling us asthma. Another team member came over (Deborah) and we went for it. She told us she was 100%. Praise Jesus! Then someone else came up who had a pain in her neck. She was twelve years old and it had hurt for only a day. I prayed into it and following the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I was able to give her a prophetic word for ministry. She was also healed. Praise the wonderful name of Jesus!! – William, Manager