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Brazil – Headaches, Elbow and Vision Restored

Today at the smaller church we did words of knowledge and then prayed for the sick/injured. I had an older woman (probably in her late 70s or 80s) come up for prayer. She had broken her arm at the elbow, which caused pain and a loss of movement. She had headaches located in the temples; and had lost vision in her right eye as a very young girl. Upon praying, first for the elbow pain was reduced and movements restored. Then the second time all pain was gone and all movement was back. 

Then I began praying for her eye to open and sight to be fully restored and she fell out in the spirit. So I blessed what God was doing and began my interview of the next woman in line.Later she came back from soaking in the spirit, so I re-interviewed her. She told me her eye was a little better (20%).  I prayed for her again. When she opened her eyes she said 50% better. I prayed twice more and she had 100% vision restored to her eye. ~Jacob
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