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Young Woman’s Eyes Healed After Curse of Witchcraft Broken!

I prayed for a lady who had 1% eye sight in one eye and some more in the other. The doctor told her she would be blind soon. She was married and had a two-year-old boy. She had had eye problems all her life.

I prayed one time and nothing happened. I asked God what to do. I felt the Holy Spirit said there was witchcraft in her family which was causing the blindness. I asked her whether she knew anyone in her family practicing witchcraft. She said it was her mother. I explained to her that I felt we had to break the curse before we prayed for healing. I lead her to repent for the sin of her mother. She renounced it and then I asked her to speak out and declare that she forgives her mom. Afterwards I broke the curse of witchcraft over her life and over her descendants. Then I prayed for the healing of her eyes. After the second time praying she said she was hot and her eyes were too. She checked her sight and she saw like a fog. After one more time praying she saw very clearly without glasses. She was crying and so was her husband. – Alma, stay-at-home mom

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