September Brazil 2013 – Knees Healed After 3 years in Wheelchair

A woman came with her husband and adult daughter for prayer. The mother, about 70 years old, was confined to a wheelchair due to two accidents. She had fallen down steps six years ago and had another accident three years ago.

She sustained injuries to both knees having only 50 percent use of her right knee and 10 percent use of her left (wore brace on left). She had been in pain constantly for three years. I prayed for her but nothing happened. I re-interviewed and discovered Macumba involvement. Manifestation of this began with the mother and daughter. Both were feeling itching then throbbing pain. The daughter had fire on her. Then the father, who had other ailments, developed itching and throbbing as well. They repented of and renounced Macumba. I cast out spirit from daughter and the fire ceased. I cast the spirit from mother and then prayed for her knees. I asked her to exercise the knee. She received 50 percent healing and then all pain left. She walked with assistance at first and sat down. While giving thanks, she spontaneously rose out of the chair with much energy and walked around by herself.The wheelchair was left at the church. Doctors had refused to operate on her knee because of her age and other health issues. Her unsaved husband declared that what no doctor could do, Jesus had done. – Peter 

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