Youth Power Invasion (YPI) 2024

Youth Power Invasion

UPCOMING TRIP - **We are postponing YPI until 2026. Please see the website for future updates!**



God is moving in amazing ways around the world, and year after year we see youth on our trips become ignited by the fires of genuine revival, we see them become grounded in knowing what God says about them and what is possible for their lives.

Youth Power Invasion is an opportunity like no other for young adults ages 15–29 to be trained and released into ministry. This is not your typical short-term missions trip; it is a jump start into a life of miracles, a launch into seeing the world through new eyes, and a deep-dive into the fullness of what Jesus purchased for His people.

**We are postponing YPI until 2026.  Please see the website for future updates!**

For youth, ages 15–29 who are asking, “What can God do in me? What can He do through me? Who am I made to be, and what can my life look like?”

This is the trip you've been waiting for!

How the Trip is Structured

Learn more about what to expect and how the trip is structured for youth and young adults attending YPI.

Phase 1

In Phase 1, you will be trained by Dr. Randy Clark, Dr. Heidi Baker, Will Hart, Brian Connelly, and Brian Starley on how to pray for the sick, give words of knowledge, and prophesy. There will also be training for intercession and basics in missions. You will learn how to walk in love as you partner with the Holy Spirit. For those over 29 desiring to go, we invite you to bring your youth and be a team leader.

Phase 2

In Phase 2 Iris Ministry locations – During Phase 2, youth ages 18-29 will have an opportunity to travel to one of Iris’s ministry locations in Brazil and get hands on experience there:

  • Iris Fortaleza (12 People)
    • Iris Fortaleza’s ministry is based in a large tourist city on the northeast coast of Brazil and focuses on the area of prostitution by visiting and evangelizing the red light zones of the city at night. They also work in several of the slums with children, families, and drug dealers of these communities.
  • Iris Jardim Gramacho (15 People)
    • This ministry was built in the slum community surrounding a now decommissioned, but formerly the largest, trash dump in Rio de Janeiro. Iris Jardim Gramacho works with families through evangelism, worship, prayer, and church planting. Due to the prevalence of drug abuse in the community, the team has recently begun working with dealers and users to introduce the hope of Jesus and a pathway to sobriety.
  • Iris Chapada (10 People)
    • Iris Chapada is located in the Brazilian midwest in Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso. The city is home to 19,000 people and many are descendants of slaves and native Brazilian tribes. This demographic also includes many followers of exoteric religions and most have never heard the Gospel. The ministry here is pioneering new territory for the Kingdom and focuses on church planting, community discipleship, worship, devotion, and intercession.
  • Iris Piaiuí Acauã (10 People)
    • Iris Piauí Acauã is located in the sertão (bush-bush of Brazil) in Piauí. They are focused on creating a church network in towns and villages primarily for discipleship, but also to build connection in a sparsely-populated and economically-depressed region of Brazil. They also have community development and income generation programs and free ballet, sports, and other courses for children and young adults.
  • Iris Rio (8 People)
    • Iris Rio is the outreach and evangelism ministry of Vida Rio Church in Rio de Janeiro. The team at Iris Rio hosts an annual mission school to train local and international missionaries who are then sent out to carry the light and love of Jesus to the least of these. They also do outreach and discipleship programs year-round in the city.
  • Shores of Grace (12 People)
    • Shores of Grace fights against human trafficking and prostitution and helps people in at-risk situations. Working Brazil since 2010, they take the gospel to those around them through relationships in street evangelism, discipleship and protection for children and adolescents in their rescue home.

Philippines. Trip Speakers: Charity Cook, Dr. Ruth Cube Keijdener. Estimated Expenses for US Travelers: $2,599

Helpful Resources

Take advantage of these helpful resources to grow more confident in learning the language and culture of Brazil. There are also resources for helping with your fundraising efforts.

All team members are required to watch our orientation video, catching protocol and sharing a translator videos. Click here for videos
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