Voice of the Apostles



Dr. Randy Clark

Dr. Randy Clark is the founder and President of Global Awakening and a renowned international speaker. Randy’s long journey emerged from humble beginnings, infusing his teachings with truth, passion, and love that resonate with millions. 

Watch Dr. Randy Clark speak on the power of hunger!

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Heidi Baker

Heidi Baker founded Iris Global in 1980 with her husband Rolland, and began ministering together in Asia. In 1995 they were called to the poorest country in the world at the time, Mozambique, and faced an extreme test of the Gospel. They began by pouring out their lives among abandoned street children, and as the Holy Spirit moved miraculously in many ways a revival movement spread to adults, pastors, churches and then throughout the bush all across Mozambique’s ten provinces.

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Todd White

Todd was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years until 2004 when he was radically set free! Todd believes that redemption and righteousness are the foundational keys for living life as a new creation in Christ.

Todd’s foremost desire is to see the Holy Spirit flowing through believers everywhere that they go—at work, school, grocery stores, malls, gas stations, and more. Todd’s heart beats for the lost. His true joy is being able to reproduce a 24/7 Kingdom lifestyle in every believer’s life. No one is excluded!

Joanne Moody

Reverend Joanne Moody is an ordained minister through the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. She leads healing teams, teaches, speaks, trains and equips leaders and lay people nationally and internationally in all types of ministry venues.

Joanne wrote her book, Minute by Minute, on living a life through adversity which covers her near-death experience and the miraculous healing of 14 years of debilitating nerve pain. She just recently released her new book, Everyday Supernatural! Joanne lives in Franklin, Tennessee, is happily married to Mike and loves being mom to son, Kian.

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Michael & Jessica Koulianos

Michael and Jessica Koulianos are a husband and wife preaching team based out of Orlando, FL, and lead Jesus Image, Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, House of Bethany: Worship Academy, and Jesus School Online. Millions have been impacted from around the world by the preaching of the pure Gospel and desire for the presence of Jesus.

Ben Fitzgerald

Ben Fitzgerald is a passionate lover of Jesus and the senior leader of Awakening Europe, a movement that champions the Gospel across Europe through stadium events, city-wide outreaches, and training schools. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Ben met Jesus in an encounter that deeply changed him in 2002 whilst he was dealing drugs. Since then Ben has lived passionately about one thing – showing the world Jesus in his everyday life and taking the good news of the Kingdom to the nations.

Jesus Image Worship

Jesus Image exists to love Jesus and to introduce Him to the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are called to minister to the heart of Jesus through a lifestyle of worship. His Presence is our deepest pursuit.

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Tom Jones

As a small boy, Tom Jones attended a camp meeting service, where his grandfather lifted him high to see the Glory Cloud hovering over the crowds. In that moment, a passion to press into the heart of God and pursue revival was lit.

As an adult, this passion was rekindled at John Wimber’s “Signs and Wonders” conference in the mid-1980’s and later by the Brownsville and Toronto Revivals. Tom met Randy Clark in 1999 and this was the beginning of a God-ordained friendship.

Mike Hutchings

Mike Hutchings has 35 years of pastoral, church planting and pastoring pastors experience in a variety of church cultures including Baptist, Vineyard, Willow Creek, and Mennonite. In Peoria, Illinois, Mike partnered with the leadership team of a Transforming Revival Pastors’ Group where the city experienced significant transformation through the power of prayer and unity.

Mike conducts “Healing PTSD” training seminars throughout the country, training prayer ministers, clergy, chaplains, and counselors to utilize a healing prayer model to bring restoration to those suffering with PTSD.

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Richie Seltzer

Richie Seltzer went from the cold juvenile detention floor with 18 felonies to an internationally recognized minister of the Gospel. Miracles, healing, and signs and wonders follow him as He lives a life of obedience to the great commission. 

In 2011, he planted Imagine Church in Calgary, Alberta through which He pioneered Burning Ones school of Fire. He currently travels as an evangelist with Global Awakening out Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

Life Center Worship

Life Center Worship is the worship ministry of Life Center Ministries based in Harrisburg, PA. The Life Center Worship team serves faithfully in the church every weekend and desires to create a presence for people to experience the power of God through worship.

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As the world faces uncertainty at every turn it is time to come together as a church, exalt the king, and be reminded that Jesus Christ sits on the throne! Let’s come together and worship, praise, exalt, receive, learn, encourage, teach, and encounter the living God. This is not the time for voices of fear. This is not the time for voices of condemnation. It is time for the voice of of the apostles. It is time for the voice of the Father!

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for the works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

- Ephesians 4:11-13


Voice of the Apostles

Lancaster, PA | October 23-26, 2024

IN OCTOBER 2024, the 25th Voice of the Apostles will bring together modern day “generals of the faith,” to deliver a significant, destiny-shaping time of teaching and impartation. Join us with a pure heart and desire for God, and truly we believe you will receive impartation, prayer, and life-changing encounters with God.

Sign up for Voice of the Apostles and save $25 with code ‘voapreevent’!



Dr. Randy Clark


Come With an Expectation to Experience:
  • Fresh messages from international, multi-generational Apostolic speakers
  • A life-changing event for the entire family, featuring our Global Awakening Kids (GAK) program
  • Powerful impartation & outpourings of the Holy Spirit
  • Hundreds of healings and miracles
  • Fresh encounters with God
  • Confidence to step out into your Kingdom destiny
  • Revitalizing times of worship
  • A life-giving community of like-minded believers
  • A renewed sense of purpose and call within the faith


OCTOBER 23-26, 2024

4:00pm VOA Registration / Check-in
6:00pm VOA Doors Open / VOA Kids Check-in 7:00pm VOA begins


8:30am Doors open
9:00am Worship & First Morning Session
11:30am 2nd Morning Session
12:30pm Lunch Break
2:30pm 1st Afternoon Session
4:00pm 2nd Afternoon Session
5:00pm Dinner Break
7:00pm Worship & Evening Session

Worship at Voice of the Apostles


LANCASTER, PA, USALancaster County Convention Center25 South Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603



Lancaster Marriott at Penn SquareHotel is attached to the convention center, please call or click below to join our discounted rooming block

*Our Thursday night room rate is sold out, but we still have availability Wed., Fri., Sat. night.


Holiday Inn Lancaster

Click the link below or call the hotel and ask about the Global Awakening Room Block

(717) 394-0900

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