
Voice of the Apostles


Voice of the Apostles

Lancaster, PA | October 29-November 1, 2025 IN OCTOBER 2025, Voice of the Apostles will bring together modern day “generals of the faith,” to deliver a significant, destiny-shaping time of teaching and impartation. Join us with a pure heart and desire for God, and truly we believe you will receive impartation, prayer, and life-changing encounters with God.

It's time to come together as a church, exalt the king, and be reminded that Jesus Christ sits on the throne! Let’s come together and worship, praise, exalt, receive, learn, encourage, teach, and encounter the living God. The world needs neither voices of fear nor condemnation--it needs the voice of the Father! It is time for the voice of the apostles.

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for the works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

- Ephesians 4:11-13

Speakers & Worship


Dr. Randy Clark

Founder & President of Global Awakening

Randy Clark had been a pastor for seven years before earning his M.Div. and later a Doctor of Ministry degree in December 2013 from United Theological Seminary. Though his education helped him address theological issues, it didn’t prepare him for the despair he felt when God’s presence seemed distant. After months of prayer and fasting, Randy experienced a powerful touch from the Lord. On January 20, 1994, he entered a small church near Toronto, sparking a revival that lasted 12½ years, impacting millions and founding thousands of churches.

Now an international speaker, Randy has over 30 years of pastoral experience and 44 years in ministry. Known for his strong healing anointing and teaching gift, he communicates complex concepts clearly, inspiring many with messages like “God Can Use Little Ole Me” and “Spend and Be Spent.” His humility has made his ministry cross denominational lines, with invitations from diverse churches worldwide.

Randy’s journey has included persecution, failures, and disappointments, yet his resolve to see God’s blessing in healing and deliverance remained unshaken. Since 1994, he has traveled to over 50 countries to fulfill God’s mandate on his life. Randy lives in Mechanicsburg, PA, with his wife, DeAnne, their four children, and eight grandchildren, soon to be twelve.


Bill Johnson

Senior Leader of Bethel Church

Bill is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. The present move of God has brought Bill into a deeper understanding of the phrase “on earth as it is in heaven.” Bill and the Bethel Church family have taken on this theme for life and ministry, where healing and miracles are normal. Bill teaches that we owe the world an encounter with God and a gospel without power is not the gospel Jesus preached. Bill is co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM).

Bill serves a growing number of churches partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power. Bill and his late wife, Beni, have three children and eleven grandchildren. Their three children and spouses are all involved in full-time ministry.


Dr. Heidi Baker

Founder of Iris Ministries

Heidi Baker founded Iris Global in 1980 with her husband Rolland, and began ministering together in Asia. In 1995 they were called to the poorest country in the world at the time, Mozambique, and faced an extreme test of the Gospel. They began by pouring out their lives among abandoned street children, and as the Holy Spirit moved miraculously in many ways a revival movement spread to adults, pastors, churches and then throughout the bush all across Mozambique’s ten provinces.

Heidi is now “Mama Heidi” to thousands of children, and oversees a broad holistic ministry that includes Bible schools, medical clinics, church-based orphan care, well drilling, primary schools, evangelistic and healing outreaches in remote villages and a network of thousands of churches. She has BA, MA and PhD degrees, has authored four books and travels the world as a conference speaker.


Ben Fitzgerald

Senior Leader of Awakening Europe

Ben Fitzgerald is a passionate lover of Jesus and the senior leader of Awakening Europe, a movement that champions the Gospel across Europe through stadium events, city-wide outreaches, and training schools. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Ben met Jesus in an encounter that deeply changed him in 2002 whilst he was dealing drugs. Since then Ben has lived passionately about one thing – showing the world Jesus in his everyday life and taking the good news of the Kingdom to the nations.

In 2009, Ben moved to Redding, California to attend Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). After graduating, he then served on staff as a Pastor at Bethel Church for several years. He currently lives in Germany leading the Awakening Team and spends much of his time traveling extensively – both in Europe and across the world.

Galatians 5:1 says “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” In line with that mission, Ben loves to equip people to live in God’s fullness of freedom and identity.  He has a deep conviction that the future of nations will be transformed by radical believers living free and proclaiming Jesus boldly.

Katherine Ruonala at Greater Things

Katherine Ruonala

Senior Leader of Glory City Church Australia

Katherine Ruonala has a prophetic and healing ministry and travels internationally as a conference speaker bringing a message of love and hope to the nations. Katherine carries a strong prophetic and miracle anointing with many being instantly healed in her meetings. Reaching across denominational walls, her ministry is also used to spread the fires of revival and ignite a fresh passion in the hearts of believers to go deeper in their relationship with God.

Katherine hosts her own television show and is author of the books “Speak Life: Creating Your World With Your Words”, “Living in the Miraculous: How God’s Love is Expressed Through the Supernatural”, “Wilderness to Wonders: Embracing the Power of Process” and “Life With The Holy Spirit: Enjoying Intimacy With The Spirit of God”.

Katherine and Tom Ruonala are the founders and Senior Ministers of Glory City Church Brisbane and oversee the International Glory City Church network which has a growing number of churches around the world. Tom Ruonala serves as the Honorary Consul of Finland in Brisbane. Katherine is the founder and coordinator of the Australian Prophetic Council and has done several appearances on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” television program.

Katherine and Tom have been married since 1991 and have three beautiful children, Jessica, Emily and Joseph.


Henry Madava

President & Founder of Christ for All Cities Ministries

Henry is the founder and pastor of the Victory Christian Church in Kyiv (Ukraine) and the Senior Pastor of the Victory Christian Churches in Ukraine and worldwide. Pastor Henry is married and has three children: two sons and a daughter. He was born in Zimbabwe. In 1986 he came to the Soviet Union to study at the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation and Engineering. But feeling the call from God, he dedicated his life to ministering to people. Upon graduating from the institute, Henry Madava founded the Victory Christian Church in the city of Kyiv at the end of 1992. Some time later he also founded the Christ for All Cities Ministries.

Pastor Henry Madava’s mission is to help people find salvation through their faith in Jesus Christ and to become whole to live a full-fledged life in society. That is why Pastor Henry is laboring in God’s fields, teaching and preaching God’s truth not only in Ukraine but also around the world. His consistent and clear explanation of the Word of God makes his teachings easy to understand for everyone. His services are always accompanied by wonderful healings from serious diseases and deliverances, people in depression find joy. These miraculous changes testify to God’s power and His love!


Brother Yun

Senior Leader of the "Back to Jerusalem Movement"

Liu Zhenying, better known as Brother Yun by the Christian community, lived through China’s clampdown on Christianity in the 1980s and 1990s with an evangelistic determination so fierce that he was a wanted criminal in the eyes of his government. Brother Yun is a preacher and evangelist who pioneered and led the House Church movement in China. His life has been marked by both hardships and miracles through his intense desire to reach China with the Gospel. 

Today he is a leader of the “Back to Jerusalem Movement” which seeks to send thousands of missionaries out from China into the least-gospel-reached countries of the world, most existing between China and Israel. He is also the author of the international bestselling book, The Heavenly Man, which testifies of the intense persecution he suffered and the even more remarkable ways God delivered him throughout his ministry and the newly released book, Living Water.


Carlito Paes

Senior Pastor of The City Church Brazil

Carlito Paes is a leader passionate about the Kingdom and the Church. He holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Theology, a postgraduate degree in Higher Education Teaching, and is a writer with over 32 published books. He has led the Igreja da Cidade in Brazil for 26 years and is the founder of 16 social, educational, and ministerial organizations, including Editora Inspire, Colégio Inspire, IPEEAD, Faculdade Cristã da Cidade, and Inspire Kids. Through the Rede Inspire de Igrejas, Carlito has promoted several conferences and events for pastors and leaders, to share knowledge and experiences and strengthen the Christian family.

Carlito and Leila met at the seminary in 1989 and were married in a beautiful ceremony in 1992. As a result of this marriage, God gave them four children: Ana Carolina, Ana Beatriz and twins João Pedro and João Victor. All four love Jesus and serve in ministries at the Church of the City. The “Buscapaes Family”, as they affectionately call it, has a little Pug, Cacau, showing that there is always room for one more in this house!


Jean-Luc Trachsel

President of the International Association of Healing Ministries

From an early age, God called Jean-Luc Trachsel to bring His Word with a demonstration of power. He has traveled over five continents, has visited more than 90 nations, and was able to share the Gospel to all kinds of circumstances and situations. Visionary and entrepreneur, he believes that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. 

He works actively to bring unity among the Christians to proclaim the Gospel with mercy and compassion to this generation. His sensitivity to the Spirit allows the manifestation of the supernatural with signs, miracles, healings and salvation. His journey is one of an ordinary person, through whom God did extraordinary things simply because he made himself available to Him.

Jean-Luc is part of the senior and apostolic team Gospel Wave and member of Gospel Center in Oron-la-Ville (Switzerland),  the President of the International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM) and prime vision carrier of Europe Shall Be Saved movement. Together with Daniel Kolenda, he has also launched and co-chairs the Global Evangelist Alliance (GEA) under the banner of Empowered21. Internationally recognized speaker, he travelled over the five continents to more than ninety nations and shared the Gospel in all kinds of situations and circumstances.

Married to his beautiful wife Josiane, father of 4 children and now grandfather, he loves to spend time with his family.


Life Center Worship

Life Center is a church based in Harrisburg, PA. Since their earliest beginnings over 30 years ago, they have been marked by a devotion to the Word of God and its creative power. Their deepest longing has been to encounter God through unrestrained worship, passionate prayer, and unwavering obedience. These foundations have shaped them into who they are today.

Through music and most importantly their lives, Life Center Worship hopes to reach the world as they create a place for God to come and for people to encounter His Love.

Come With an Expectation to Experience:
  • Fresh messages from international, multi-generational Apostolic speakers
  • Powerful impartation & outpourings of the Holy Spirit
  • Hundreds of healings and miracles
  • Fresh encounters with God
  • Confidence to step out into your Kingdom destiny
  • Revitalizing times of worship
  • A life-giving community of like-minded believers
  • A renewed sense of purpose and call within the faith



4:00pm VOA Registration / Check-in
6:00pm VOA Doors Open / VOA Kids Check-in 7:00pm VOA begins


8:30am Doors open
9:00am Worship & First Morning Session
11:30am 2nd Morning Session
12:30pm Lunch Break
2:30pm 1st Afternoon Session
4:00pm 2nd Afternoon Session
5:00pm Dinner Break
7:00pm Worship & Evening Session

Worship at Voice of the Apostles




Lancaster County Convention Center
25 South Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603

Other Hotels in the Area

The Cork Factory – 1 mile from LCCC

Cork Factory Hotel


The Lancaster Arts Hotel – 1 Mile from LCCC

Lancaster Arts Hotel | Places to Stay in Lancaster, Pennsylvania


The Residence Inn – 2.5 Miles from LCCC

Extended-Stay Hotel in Lancaster | Residence Inn Lancaster (


The Eden Resort – 3 Miles from LCCC

Eden Resort & Suites | Voted Best Hotel in Lancaster, PA


The Doubletree – 2.5 Miles from the LCCC

Lancaster, PA Hotels – DoubleTree Resort Lancaster (

The Hampton Inn – 3.5 Miles from the LCCC

Hampton Inn Hotel in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Free Breakfast (


The Court Yard – 3.5 Miles from the LCCC

Courtyard Lancaster – Pet-Friendly Hotel Near Downtown Lancaster (


About VOA

Do you feel pushed around by the constant change & upheaval in the world? Do you long for clarity and stability? Ephesians 4 tells us that apostles are part of God’s solution for bringing stability into our lives and giving us a broader view of life. Come join hands with others from many different backgrounds and denominations to receive apostolic teaching & empowerment, to be refreshed in worship, and celebrate the name of Jesus.


Frequently Asked Questions

The closest airport is Harrisburg International Airport (40 mins away). The next closest is Philadelphia International Airport (1 hr 30 mins away).

We do not have an age limit in place, but please consider that the content of the messages is intended for adults. If you’re considering bringing someone under 18, please be sure they are mature and composed enough to both enjoy the conference and allow those around them to do the same.

Please note that all minors 6 and older are required to have purchased a registration. 

Casual attire is recommended. The auditorium is enclosed and air-conditioned. Because the temperatures may vary, we encourage you to wear layered clothing or bring a light sweater or jacket.

There are many parking garages in the area. You will have to pay for parking.

Space permitting, the day rate is $65 and evening rate is $35. Please come to the registration booth to purchase and receive your day or evening pass. Pre-registration is not available for day and evening tickets.

Upon completing registration, you will receive an email confirmation. The email confirmation is for your reference and not required to be shown upon arrival to the event.

All seating is general admission. You will receive a seat saver sign upon arrival that can be used in the mornings to save your seat for the day. Auditorium will be cleared overnight. The auditorium doors will open 30-60 minutes before each session. Saving seats prior to the doors opening is not permitted.

All pricing information can be found on the registration page. Registration will remain open through the beginning of the conference or until it is sold out.

Building doors open at 7:30 AM and Auditorium doors open at 8:00 AM. 

We will have more information available coming soon…

Yes, we will have a prayer ministry team available before and after all sessions.

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