Woman Says “Yes” to God, Was Prayed for & Healed!

In the evening after Blaine Cook preached, a lady had come forward. I watched her praying tongues. I knew God was doing something significant with her. After a short time I felt God told me to go over, hug her and ask her what God was doing.

She said she was a pastor and she was saying “yes” to God again after a significant accident one year ago. I believe she was responding to the preaching about Jonah. She then told me she was in very bad pain in her lower leg, where it had been broken. She also had had a bacterial infection a year ago. She had been in pain all that time. I prayed for her leg to be healed. She said the pain was completely gone! I got her to walk along in front of the stage and she was amazed – no pain! Then I prayed for her that it was God’s sign she was ready to go again for Him, His sign to her that she would be strong enough now. She said this was the right word for the right time. We exchanged email addresses. – Catherine
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