A woman with a headache, dizziness and neck pain (headache at a 7 and neck pain at a 5) came for prayer. The team commanded the headache to leave, and immediately the pain moved from one part of her head to another.
I bound, broke off and commanded a spirit of infirmity to leave. The team prayed again and her neck pain and headache both significantly reduced (headache to about a 3 and neck pain to about a 1). I discerned she was struggling with a heavy burden and she began to cry. She reported that she had conflict with her mother, brother and niece. I walked her through forgiveness for each one using Sozo steps. In every instance God spoke to her and she wept as she reported what He said to her. The team then commanded the headache, neck pain and dizziness to go. All of the pain and dizziness left!