Also in the early session, a young man came up who had hurt his back as a teenager while riding a bus that went over a hard bump. He also suffered from pain in his wrist and knees.
We began praying for his back, commanding the pain to go. I asked for Holy Spirit to come and asked for more power. We stopped to ask how he was. The pain was still there. We prayed again. When we re-interviewed, it was the same. So I asked that we pray for his wrist. I suggested that I could perhaps get a team member to help me pray for his back again. I prayed for his wrist, commanding pain to go. So I stopped to check to see how his wrist was. His wrist was better. The pain was gone. Praise the Lord! Then, while I was attempting to find another team member, he said his back pain was also gone without praying again! Praise! – Gabrielle