Holy Spirit led me to a young man probably in his 20’s who had been using crutches and was sitting in a chair. He spoke some English but pointed to his left knee, his tibia/fibula area and his ankle. Through gestures I found out he had been in a motorcycle accident four months ago. He broke his ankle and had pins and two screws.
His tibia/fibula had also been broken and had four pins in that area and right below his knee cap he had four more pins. His pain was about an 8 but he was taking pain medicine. No mobility of any measurable significance was noted. His leg muscles were very weak. I asked if I could put my hands on his leg and he said yes. I put my right hand on his knee and my left hand on his ankle. I asked Holy Spirit to come and He came. Almost immediately the young man began to sweat profusely and said he felt a lot of heat and tingling in his leg. I said that was good because it was Holy Spirit here to heal his leg. I commanded life to be restored to the bones, tissue, nerves and vessels in Jesus name. I was watching the Presence resting on him. He tapped me on the arm and pointed to his ankle. He was able to move it some. I thanked Jesus for what was happening and asked for more. I broke off trauma from the accident in Jesus name. I commanded his leg muscles to strengthen in Jesus’ name. I now was seeing he was moving ankle more and he tried moving his leg. He stood up supported on his left side with the crutches and started to move his knee. I just kept thanking Jesus and saying more Lord. He eventually was able to put some weight on his leg with no pain and more movement. I blessed the healing and thanked God! – Jan