A young woman came up and asked for prayer for her periods as she had been bleeding constantly for one month. She was very upset when telling me and said she was very worried about it. She also told me that she had had breathing problems for as long as she remembered. At times she found it very hard to breath. I placed my hands on her hands and on her abdomen and asked Holy Spirit to come. Within seconds she bent over, started to shake and started to weep.
I asked God for more and prayed in tongues. I asked her what God was doing and she said she felt His Presence and peace. I commanded the bleeding to stop in Jesus’ name and asked God to continue what he was doing. The Lord was touching her so powerfully I didn’t want to interrupt so I had her sit on the floor next to me and told her to continue to receive while I prayed for the next girl. I came back to her and sat next to her. She had stopped crying but was still shaking a bit. She said she felt heat in her abdomen and couldn’t feel the bleeding anymore. I asked her if she would go and check but she said she wanted to wait until she got home. I asked about her breathing, but since she had not had any problems breathing at the time she could not tell if it was any better. She told me she was so happy that God had touched her. She knew she had been healed. We thanked God together and I taught her how to pray for herself if her breathing became a problem in the future. – Anna