YPI – Thyroid Issues

My translator brought me over to a lady who looked about 40 years of age. She had told him about a kind of hormonal problem she had. I asked him specifically what kind of hormonal issue she had, thinking it was a sort of menstrual irregularity or something to that nature, but he didn’t know the exact translation. I began praying and asking the Holy Spirit to come and fill her. I commanded any toxins and sickness in her body to leave in Jesus’ name, so that when she went back for her check-up the doctorwould be amazed at her clean body. I asked for fire, heat and electricity, and the moment I said that, she began holding herself and making a face that indicated to me that she felt burning in her body. I prayed for healing and fire mainly in her uterus and reproductive system that regulates hormones. She began shaking. When I asked the translator to ask how she felt, I was confused when I saw her motioning near her head and neck. The translator had told me she felt fire in her neck and all through her head. I was thankful for God’s fire, but confused because she felt it in her neck, and I had prayed for her internally near her stomach. She left, and later on I asked the translator to ask another person what the correct translation for her ailment was. It turns out she had a thyroid irregulation, which confirmed completely why she felt fire through her neck. I am believing that when she goes to her doctor, there will be 100% healing. 

~ Amanda

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