We went in to visit a man, who was from the local church and dying of cancer. He had a cancerous tumor in his body. His motorcycle was also recently stolen, and he had given up hope.
He recently received Christ. Our group prayed for him. The first time he felt relieved. Then Mackenzie felt the Lord tug on her heart. He said to her, “Pray for him again”, so she did. When she did, power went through her hand and he started sobbing. He felt so relieved. We prayed a third time because he wanted us to. We prayed for his mother too. Ryan took him on a walk and he walked perfectly fine. He had not walked in a long time. About halfway down the driveway, he stopped and started crying because he had no pain. Mackenzie believed that he was going to go to the doctor and the doctors and nurses were going to get led to Jesus by him because he was healed in Jesus name. He said he loved it when Mackenzie prayed and was declaring that he already was healed right then. She also started crying because she was so happy and believed he was healed. – Mackenzie, Ryan and group