Throughout the year Randy and Tom get questions from conference attendees as well as members of our Network about theology, practical ministry, and more. It’s always a rich and insightful time to hear their thoughts on a variety of subjects. This new article is a synopsis of a Question and Answer session with Drs Randy Clark and Tom Jones.
Q: How important is diet to the spirituality of a Christian? (Randy)
A: I think Paul and Jesus made it really clear that it’s not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man; it’s what comes out of the mouth. The whole dietary laws cannot be a basis for salvation or even a basis of how close you can get to God. On the other hand, the dietary laws have great wisdom in them. Just because it’s not necessary for salvation doesn’t mean there isn’t wisdom in dieting. As far as how it affects you spiritually, the only thing I know is this: when you don’t feel good and when the reason you don’t feel good is partially brought on yourself because of, in my case, maybe not enough exercise or too many calories you get to feeling sluggish. If you eat things that you know are not going to be good for your health, you have to remember our bodies are a temple. I think it is important for us to be good stewards of our bodies, but it’s not going to have anything to do with our salvation.
Q: Who are your personal heroes living or dead? (Tom)
A: Living would be Randy Clark. And I would say that even if Randy wasn’t in the room because Randy, at least in my lifetime, has had more impact than anybody else. And it would be people like Bill Johnson, Heidi and Rolland Baker, and many others that have had an influence in my life through Revival Alliance. For those that are not living, it would be people like John Wimber and William Seymour. Seymour is a hero and a pioneer in my mind for doing what he did in the day in which he did it. What an inspiration. Maria Woodworth-Etter would be another one because of the challenges she faced being a woman. She accomplished many great things and went through a lot before she was launched into ministry. I also love Whitfield and Moody and there are many others.
Q: How are you able to travel so much and be away from your family for most of the year? (Tom)
A: Grace, grace, grace. I talked to my wife when I started traveling so much, I’m gone about 270 days a year, and she said the Lord has given her a grace for this. Now, will that last forever? I don’t know. My wife goes with me sometimes, she loves to travel. She’s finishing up her PhD in public health and that will free her up to go even more. But, I have to be careful because she is traveling on her own the latter part of this year. She’s going to spend a month with Heidi in Mozambique, which I bless her to do. After that, she’s home for a week and then takes off to Haiti for almost a week. Her heart is medical missions for the poor so she’s doing that. But, it does take grace. What I’m really impressed with is the grace of DeAnne Clark and Randy Clark and their family. I’ve only been doing this for six or seven years now, where he has been doing this for twenty-one years. I didn’t know until I started doing it, the incredible favor that has to be on a person and a family to be able to travel as much as he has traveled. And for the family to turn out so healthy and in such good shape – they all are. The family is just wonderful. And to do that when the children are small is even more difficult. I know what my body is telling me after only six years. He looks fantastic for traveling as much as he has traveled!
Q: As you are getting older, how do you prepare the next generation to receive this message? (Randy)
A: Well, there’s Jamie Galloway, Will Hart, Ben Scofield, and so many more we are raising up. For my twenty-one years of ministry, I have always had someone traveling with me; most of the time they were younger. In this season in my life, I have to start taking young people with me who can continue this. It’s an intentionality; but, how much longer I’ll be able to do it, I don’t know. I think there are seasons for everything. We also have our schools of ministry. They have every generation in them – every decade from 17 to 70s and there’s even a student who is 84. There is a sense that, through the training, through the schools and other things we’re doing, we are raising up the next generation. But, I want to model it in such a way where I’ve sown my life into them. I want, when they are in their 30s, them to have 20-year-olds traveling with them. A lot of people who are now in their 30s, when I first met them and took them in as interns, were 19 years old. In fact, the leaders of my board asked me, “You do a lot of things, what is the most important thing that you think you should do in this season?” I instantly responded and said, “Raising up the next generation.” That’s one of the reasons we’re so big on education.
Q: Is my inability to continue in a fast diminishing the effectiveness of my prayers for healing? (Randy)
A: That depends upon whether or not God is calling you into the fast or you are deciding to fast. If God is calling, you have to obey and He will give you grace to complete what He calls you to do. On the other hand, if the fast is something you have chosen to do, the inability to continue in the fast you have chosen will not hurt your effectiveness for healing. This is my opinion, but it is based upon experience in both categories.
Q: Can I have a separate relationship with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit or is there just one relationship with God? (Randy)
A: You can have a relationship with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and in doing so you are relating to the triune God.
Q: I believe I have a calling beyond the ministry that I am involved in right now. I am a Sunday school teacher at my church and I believe I have a calling as a speaker or a pastor. How do I confirm this calling, and if it requires mentoring how do I find the right mentor? (Tom)
A: There isn’t a one-size formula that fits every situation. I think the answer really depends on the person, their family, and their situation. With that said, I can offer a few general suggestions. First, examine your motives. Is your heart to serve others as a “good shepherd,” or is it for the apparent recognition that goes with the position and platform. Unfortunately, I have met people who were looking for recognition not “washing feet.”
Secondly, walk through the process of discovering whether or not it is your calling to be a Pastor. I would advise you to talk with your Pastor, family and close friends, and consider their opinions about your strengths and weaknesses. Encourage them to be honest with you. Remember, this is a major decision. After 35 years of pastoral ministry, I will assure you that it’s not as easy as it looks.
Most importantly, what is the Holy Spirit saying to you? A Pastor needs that affirmation in order to walk through the challenges of shepherding a group of people. Personally, it was always comforting to know in my “knower” that God had called me into that role.
If you receive confirmation and are ready to make that step, ask your Pastor to mentor you. Effective mentoring comes out of relationship. You might also consider enrolling in the pastoral track at a school like the Global School of Supernatural Ministry. In that setting you will be exposed to and get training in the basics you will need to be an effective leader and pastor.
Lastly, keep in mind that a pastoral call doesn’t have to be expressed in a local church setting. God can use you as a Pastor in other needed arenas. Be creative. Nursing homes, prisons and the marketplace are just a few examples.
Q: Do you ever use anointing oil when praying for people for healing and deliverance? If so, when do you decide to use oils? (Tom)
A: Most of the time I don’t use oil. I think it is great for those who do, and I’m aware of the scriptures that encourage anointing people with oil. However, I do not see anointing oil as a requirement for prayer. I pray for the sick on a regular basis. I need to be ready to pray at any time, and it would be impractical for me to carry oil with me to use every time I pray for someone.
If I’m in a church whose practice is to use anointing oil, I will use it, and on occasion I will feel the Holy Spirit prompt me to use oil in which case I will check with those present to see if any is available.
P.S. Whatever your denomination or background, we especially invite modern-day revivalists in the Southeast to come join Drs. Randy Clark and Tom Jones, Michael Koulianos, William Wood, Brian Starley, and Charity Cook on February 19-21 in Raleigh-Durham, NC for our Kingdom Foundations →
This school will equip and empower you to find your place (and your tribe) in the story of heaven coming to earth. It will firm up your foundation with theology, practical tools, a fresh infilling from Holy Spirit, and an activation in spiritual gifts. Registration: starting at $115.
We hope to see you there!