We were ministering in a church this morning where we had an impartation for the compassion of Jesus to be our motivation for ministry. Mostly everyone was standing at the altar to receive. Towards the end I saw a couple and felt to go lay hands on them. As I was praying quietly behind them, I sensed that they were pastors, that there was some healing in their hearts that was needed, and that they were in a difficult season. As I was praying, the woman began to weep, and then she received the baptism of joy and couldn’t stop laughing. I could tell this was not her norm by the way her husband glanced over at her occasionally. Soon he began to wipe tears from his eyes and had a few giggles as well. After some time the couple turned around to hug me. I asked if they were ministers and they said they were pastors. The husband was able to speak some English so I shared with him what the Lord was showing me, and they nodded in acknowledgment. They were in the midst of considering a change in churches, and were needing the wisdom of God as to what to do. We prayed further and released the blessing and revelation of the Lord over their lives and ministry.
Lisa O, Building Inspector